Welcome to the home page of the Media Coach website. Media Coach is a transnational initiative of a number of well known media resource centres in Europe. Due to developments in media literacy and (…)
I want to keep in pace with media developments in order to transfer knowledge and experiences.
Without the Media Coach training I would loose contact with the current youth generation. Even their parents don’t understand what is keeping them busy.
I want to know what are the current issues children are concerned with.
Our teacher training college is currently working on the transformation of the curriculum with media literacy as a special point of attention. That’s why!
Media coach training is a development process that gives me the opportunity to be an early adopter.
Media are so overwhelming, you need to know how they work, select and what they represent.
In our library not all clients are media literate, as media coaches we can transfer skills and competences.
Children do not have the proper information gathering skills, I want to help them selecting and judging information.
We see a digital generation gap between children and their parents, media coaches can help bridging the gap.
At first my children were ahead of me concerning media skills, this made me do the media coach training, it helps me in my continuous development process.
Children are very skilled in using modern media appliances, this does not mean that they use these appliances in a smart way, we want to educate them.
Children know how and where to get information, but they cannot handle it properly yet.
Media coaches put media on the agenda in projects, in schools and in policy making.