A media and multimedia education resource centre in Belgium Média Animation ASBL is the media and multimedia education resource centre for the Belgium French-speaking Community’s (…)

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Mira Media Mira Media’s main goal is to achieve more diversity and ’ethnic’ pluralism by supporting the participation of immigrants in radio, television and interactive media. Mira (…)

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Unga Berättar /Speaking Youth at Kulturskolan Stockholm is a media and democracy centre with a mission to enhance young people’s creative side and make them tell their stories by using modern (…)

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logoNOMC NOMC/Reklamerakkers offers a media coach training as a resource centre to adult learners with a variety of backgrounds. They are the intermediates working in a professional (…)

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Training centers



NOMC/Reklamerakkers offers a media coach training as a resource centre to adult learners with a variety of backgrounds. They are the intermediates working in a professional environment: with children, in libraries or in youth and social centres. One of their training packages consists of six basic modules for all, with five modules from which the adult learners have to choose one or two.

Mira Media

Mira Media

Mira Media’s main goal is to achieve more diversity and ’ethnic’ pluralism by supporting the participation of immigrants in radio, television and interactive media. Mira Media has no broadcasting time but acts as a link between Dutch national and local (public and commercial) broadcasters and society.
Mira Media is an independent co-operative body founded in 1986 by major national migrant organisations in the Netherlands.

Media play a special role in enlightening the public by drawing attention to the growing diversity of cultures in society and audiences. A multicultural broadcasting policy, both in programming and in employment, can have a profound effect on the perceptions and attitudes of the public. The new audiences should be able to recognize themselves in mainstream broadcasting. Integration of cultural diversity in broadcasting demands changes in radio and television programmes and personnel policies. Staff need to be re-trained, diversity management has to be introduced, media training centres need to review their curricula and most importantly, more young people from immigrant and/or ’ethnic minority’ origin will have to be encouraged to opt for a career in the media.

To realise the above, Mira Media was founded in 1986. It was the first Dutch organisation focussing on media and minorities.

Media Animation

A media and multimedia education resource centre in Belgium

Média Animation ASBL is the media and multimedia education resource centre for the Belgium French-speaking Community’s private education. It is recognized and subsidized by the Minsitry of Education and Ministry of Culture. It is also a centre for vocational training. Média Animation was founded in 1972. It was granted crucial funding to implement research, information, training and educational publication. Média Animation’s mission is to support operators in the field of education along two complementary action lines:
Consultancy, audiovisual and multimedia production: professional production support to operators in the cultural and educational fields.
Media and multimedia education: raising awareness with political authorities and education authorities, training teachers and educational mediators (social workers, educators,...), publishing educational works, setting up research actions.

Media Animation’s scope of actions is:

The centre takes part in specialized councils and government colleges: Media Literacy Governmental Board (Conseil de l’Education aux Médias de la Communauté Française) - Higher Board for Broadcasting (Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel) - Higher Board for adult education(Conseil Supérieur de l’éducation permanente)

Media Animation coordinates and participates in different EC funded project:

Media Animation works actively to create a European network for media literacy and is an active member of the steering group of the European Charter for Media Literacy.

Activities: short overview

Kulturskolan Stockholm

Unga Berättar /Speaking Youth at Kulturskolan Stockholm is a media and democracy centre with a mission to enhance young people’s creative side and make them tell their stories by using modern technology.
Speaking Youth was established in 2004 and until now more than 5000 participants have taken part in the workshops of the centre.
To reach as many participants and partners as possible, the centre currently is cooperating with many schools and organizations. Unga Berättar/Speaking Youth creates opportunities for young people to work with storytelling and media in the regular activities in school and out of school situations. Every year Speaking Youth educates teachers and youth workers through workshops and courses.
Speaking youth is involved in several national and international networks and projects with focus on young people and media literacy.

Kulturskolan Stockholm is connected to the Culture Administration of Stockholm and started due to a political decision 1996. It was built on theatre (started 1942) and music (1958). Today Kulturskolan reaches over 15 000 students. Education is given in all art forms after school time. Courses are offered in music, dance, theatre and fine art and digital expressions. The school cooperates in other activities with leisure clubs, primary and secondary schools. The staff is about 300 persons and the school has several own premises e.g. 16 well equipped theatres.