CLEMI - France The CLEMI publishes works about the media and the media literacy.It proposes a whole set of resources in aid of the teachers : educational tools, practical and theoretica tracks of (…)
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"The reality if I lie" Analysis of the reality tv
Since its appearance in Europe in 1999, the reality tv did not stop evolving and diversifying. Since famous Big Brother, inaugurated by (…)
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Tools, resources, materials
Web sites, Links
CLEMI - France
- The CLEMI publishes works about the media and the media literacy.It proposes a whole set of resources in aid of the teachers : educational tools, practical and theoretica tracks of reflection, analysis and information tools, ...
The Swedish Media Council
- The Swedish Media Council is a committee of inquiry in the Swedish government offices, working with children’s and young people’s media situation. The Media Council continuously publishes reports and other material on developments in the media, media effects and the media situation of children and young people.
Conseil Supérieur de l’Éducation aux Médias (Belgique francophone)
Media Awareness Network / Réseau Éducation aux médias - Canada
Stories for Change
International network that supports the work with Digital Storytelling. Multilingual.
Media Literacy
- An Internet resource which can enhance your skills when it comes to using Information Technology in schools. PIM is produced by The Swedish National Agency for School Improvement and is available to anyone with an interest in the field, completely free of charge. In Swedish.
Information about PIM in English :
Rum för berättande/Room for storytelling
- Project at UR, the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company. National platform for Digital Storytelling. Manuals and tutorials for teachers and coaches. In Swedish
The Swedish Film Institute
- Through its Film in Schools initiative, the Film Institute supports film education in schools and municipalities throughout Sweden.
- National network of Media pedagogic organisations. Tutorials, manuals and other interesting material for media coaches. In Swedish
Regional Film and media resource centres
- Konstfack is the largest university college of arts, crafts, design and art education in Sweden. Every year about 900 students are enrolled in the Undergraduate and Master’s programs, the Art Education programs and independent courses.
Publications - Studies
"The reality if I lie" Analysis of the reality tv
Since its appearance in Europe in 1999, the reality tv did not stop evolving and diversifying. Since famous Big Brother, inaugurated by Dutch people, this kind of television became a real phenomenon of society.
Presentation of this document (french)
"Internet, it is you" The new practices of the social Internet
In some years, the modes of communication were upset. The home computer became the multimedia indispensable center, whereas Internet aroused the most delirious futuristic fantasies or the most excessive fears.
Presentation of this document (french)
Understanding advertising
The advertising is occupying an important place in our everyday life and is constantly evolving, using in particular the new technologies. It is thus indispensable to decode the advertising strategies and to train the young people to make an analysis.
Presentation of this document (french)
Educaunet : A critical education to the Internet
EDUCAUNET is a media literacy program focused on Internet, and on the risks linked to its usage. It proposes about twenty activities to teach to the young people from 8 to 18 years old to navigate with responsibility among networks.
Presentation of this document (french)