
Welcome to the home page of the Media Coach website. Media Coach is a transnational initiative of a number of well known media resource centres in Europe. Due to developments in media literacy and education it is under constant construction. We all think increasing media literacy is a major educational challenge in our knowledge societies. A large number of local, national or transnational initiatives exist in a growing number of European countries. Read more about us >

Latest news

Ofcom Update : Social networking profiles almost double in two years

Ofcom’s UK Adults’ Media Literacy interim report published today revealed that almost twice as many internet users now say they have a social networking site profile than in 2007 (38 per cent up from 22 per cent). Some 41 per cent of users now (…) More >

Bellaria, Italy, 21-24 October 2009

The second European Congress on Media Literacy brought together a variety of people interested in the subject to Bellaria, Italy. Euromeduc organised a congress for further exchange and reflection, addressed to professionals, researchers and (…) More >





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